By Dr. Marshall Hill, DO editorial on Asteroid Hyalosis.

Dr. Marshall Hill from Shepherd Eye Center explains Asteroid Hyalosis, the eye condition that can leave you with Galaxy-Looking eyes. A degenerative eye condition that gives the appearance of glittering yellow or white particles inside the eye. It occurs when small white calcium deposits float in the vitreous humor in the back part of the…

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Dr. Raymond Theodosis talks about Cataract surgery: A reversible fix for young adults with vision loss with 8News Now

Cataract surgery: A reversible fix for young adults with vision loss. Dr. Raymond Theodosis, an ophthalmologist at Shepherd Eye Center said that cataracts are one of the leading causes of blindness in the world but that it is completely reversible. He also shared that while cataracts most often occur in older adults, family history can…

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AMSURG and CompEye Continue Growth, Jointly Acquire Alta Rose Surgery Center

Alta Rose Surgery Center, a leading ambulatory surgery center (ASC) for ophthalmology in Nevada, joins expanding partnership. NASHVILLE, Tenn. — [June xx, 2024] — AMSURG, a leader in ambulatory surgery center management services, and Comprehensive EyeCare Partners (CompEye), one of the largest vision care practice management organizations in the nation, acquired Alta Rose Surgery Center…

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Dr. Naomie Warner Named One of The 2024 Health Care Headliners by VegasINC Health Care Quarterly Magazine

“I love helping people,” Warner said. “I love when I can improve vision, eliminate double vision or improve someone’s self-confi dence.” She also champions the needs of children with visual impairments through her service on the board of the Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation. The nonprofi t organization provides a preschool for young visually impaired children…

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Dr. Naomie Warner’s editorial on the innovative Luminopia treatment for pediatric amblyopia.

Dr. Naomie Warner from Nevada Eye Physicians writes on being one of the only providers in Nevada for a virtual reality solution for amblyopia among children named Luminopia. This first-of-its-kind technology is able to help correct amblyopia or “Lazy Eye” through projecting cartoons for children to view through the headset. Link:

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Dr. DeBry on the benefits of vision correction through ICL or Implantable lenses.

Dr. Peter  DeBry writes for Helathcare Quarterly on ICL or otherwise known as the Implantable Lenses. Dr. DeBry uses his expertise to explain how safe, effective and easy it is to use ICL as opposed to traditional vision correction tools such as glasses or traditional contact lenses. Link:

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